

Welcome to the official website for A Road to Home. We look forward to keeping you up to date on this newly completed film, including when and where you'll be able to view it. Please check back here for all future updates.


Now Available on Amazon!

A Road to Home is now available on Amazon Prime Video, as well as to rent and buy from Amazon for any non-Prime member. 


Recentand Upcoming News

October 28, 2016

On November 4th, we head to the Virginia Film Festival in Charlottesville, VA, where A Road to Home, our LGBT homeless youth film, will be featured. We’ve just returned from a wonderful screening of A Road to Home at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, where the packed-house kept us answering questions for over 45 minutes.

Virginia Film Festival

October 11, 2016

A Road to Home has been accepted into the Virginia Film Festival. Please check out their website HERE for more information and tickets.

Great Weekend in Portsmouth, UK!

Over this last weekend, A Road to Home was screened in the Portsmouth International Film Festival, where it took home awards for Best Documentary and Best Directing in a Documentary.

New Film Festival Screenings

August 23, 2016

A Road to Home has been accepted into the Baltimore International Black Film Festival, taking place October 5-10, and the Portsmouth (UK) International Film Festival, September 22-25! Check back here in the coming weeks for screening times and ticketing information.

Upcoming Screenings in August

We are excited to announce 2 upcoming film festival screenings coming up in August.

First up is the Kaleidoscope LGBT Film Festival in Little Rock, AR on August 20th at 1 pm. You can get your tickets and passes to the festival HERE!

Then a week later we will be screening at the Atlanta LGBT Film and Music Festival in Atlanta, GA at 8:15 pm. Get your tickets HERE!

Great Screening Yesterday!

June 7, 2016

We'd like to thank Yeshiva University's Wurzweiler School of Social Work for hosting a wonderful screening of A Road to Home yesterday afternoon, and for the lively discussion with the students who attended.

Great Article about A Road to Home

May 9, 2016

Check out this incredible article written for the South Florida Gay News about A Road to Home: LINK

Tickets Available

April 15, 2016

Tickets are available for the upcoming screening of A Road to Home in the Manhattan Film Festival. The screening takes place on April 19th at 7:15pm. Get your tickets HERE.


March 21, 2016

We are excited to reveal the first official trailer for A Road to Home.

Film Festivals

March 8, 2016

We are very excited to announce that A Road to Home has been accepted into the Newport Beach Film Festival, the Manhattan Film Festival, and the Boston LGBT Film Festival, as well as being a monthly selection in the Miami Independent Film Festival.

Please check back here in the near future, where we will be posting screening times and ticketing information as they become available to us.

Thank you!

March 3, 2016

Thanks to everyone who came to the screening at Church of the Precious Blood in Monmouth Beach, NJ on March 1st! We were moved by the positive response from the audience! We had an extremely diverse group ranging from teenagers from a local Gay Straight Alliance to the adults of the local congregations.

Here are some of the things the audience had to say :

" Thank you for making A Road to Home. It really is a road to hope!"

" To see that the young people in your film still had hope and dreams was empowering to me. "

We would also like to give special thanks to the LGBT Faith Sharing Ministry for hosting the event!

Great Screening Last Night

Thank you to everyone who came out last night to our screening at the Saint Francis of Assisi Church! We were pleased to see such a large and diverse group. More than 130 people attended, making it one of our biggest screenings yet!

Here are some of the things the audience had to say:

" Puts a human face on an uncomfortable reality..."

" Masterful storytelling and so honest ..."

" The film is an important voice for all who have been ignored, silenced and turned away. "

Once again, thanks for all the love and support on such an important topic that needs to be addressed.

We'd also like to thank the LGBT Ministry at the Saint Francis of Assisi Church for hosting this event.


Screening on February 10th at 7pm in NYC

January 21, 2016

The Saint Francis of Assisi Church on West 31st Street will screen A Road to Home on February 10th, at the end of all the Ash Wednesday masses.

Film to be screened with the NYC Dept. of Youth and Community Development

January 19, 2016

On January 26th, A Road to Home will be screened by the New York City Department of Youth and Community Development staff and the Interagency Coordinating Council on Youth, the latter consisting of all the city based agencies that focus on youth in NYC.

Received Outreach/Impact Grant

January 15, 2016

We have received a generous grant from The Arcus Foundation for our A Road to Home Outreach/Impact Campaign

Screening Today in San Antonio

January 12, 2016

A screening of A Road to Home will be hosted today by the Thrive Youth Center at The Movement Gallery in San Antonio, TX, as part of Dreamweek 2016. The event begins at 4:30pm.

Upcoming Screening

November 23, 2015

The next scheduled screening of A Road to Home is with the Attic Youth Center in Philadelphia on December 11th.

Screening at the Jewish Community Center in Manhattan

November 23, 2015

On Friday evening, November 20th, we screened our film for a large and lively audience at Manhattan's Jewish Community Center. This screening was sponsored by the Ali Forney Center. The audience included representatives of Mayor de Blasio's office, HUD, and of several other agencies and foundations dedicated to helping the homeless.

Screening of A Road to Home at The Church of the Holy Apostles

October 28, 2015

We are honored to have A Road to Home screened The Church of the Holy Apostles, which operates the largest soup kitchen in NYC 6 days a week.

First Update

October 23, 2015

Since completion of A Road to Home on August 17, 2015

  • We had our premiere screening of the film at the Tribeca Screening Room on October 6, 2015.
  • We have also screened the film at the Staff Retreat of the Ali Forney Center.

  • We have just received a generous grant from The Henry van Ameringen Foundation to support our Outreach and Public Engagement Campaign.